Places to stay and things to do in Nordheimsund

Planning a trip to Norheimsund? Here are tips for places to stay, experiences and eateries in this gem of a town on Hardangerfjord.

Only an hour’s drive east of Bergen is an excellent gateway to one of the most lush and beautiful areas of Norway. Norheimsund is located in the westernmost part of Hardanger. 

With mountains, fjords and waterfalls on one side and apple orchards, farms and hiking trails on the other, Hardanger is one of the places in Western Norway where nature and culture collide in the most spectacular way. 

Whether you arrive by boat in the Norheimsund guest harbour, your own car or on one of the buses that operate several times a day between Bergen and Norheimsund, there are lots of reasons to fall in love with the town’s fantastic combination of dramatic surroundings and relaxing lifestyle, rich cultural history and delicious food made from scratch. 

Ting å gjøre i Norheimsund

Norheimsund guest harbour

The guest harbour in Norheimsund has 50 guest boat slips. The harbour is close to the shopping street in Norheimsund, with a pharmacy, state-run liquor store, grocery stores and speciality shops. Norheimsund guest harbour has water, electricity, showers and laundry facilities, as well as petrol and diesel pumps. A safe and popular port all year round for residents and visitors alike.   


One of the most popular and photogenic waterfalls in the country is Steinsdalsfossen. With a drop of 20 metres, it is not among the country’s largest waterfalls, but the water flow is impressive when the snow starts melting in spring and summer. The path behind Steinsdalsfossen allows you to experience it up close and enjoy the forces of nature without getting your feet wet.   

Hardanger Ship Preservation

For a fascinating glimpse into living coastal history, a visit to the Hardanger Maritime Centre is a must – especially for those interested in Norwegian shipbuilding traditions. At this maritime museum, there is plenty of activity going on in the workshops, where traditional wooden boats are built and restored. The area also has an activity course and exhibitions. The centre rents out rowboat and fishing gear and visitors of all ages can make their own miniature ropes and wooden boats.

Norheimsund Church 

With 700 seats, there's almost always plenty of space in Nordheimsund Church, built by volunteers between 1989 and 1992. The altarpiece in concrete, stone and marble was made by local artist and doctor Audun Storaas (1922-2021). 

Shopping in Norheimsund city centre 

In the heart of the Norheimsund city centre – popularly known as 'Grova' – there are plenty of shopping options, with over 50 shops selling everything from fashion, interior design and sports to hardware, electronics and groceries. And best of all, after a day of shopping, you can cool off with a dip in the water at the sandy beach in Norheimsund, located in the centre.    

Excursions in Hardanger 

Nordheimsund offers lots of great hiking in the area, as well as boat routes to Odda and Utne and RIB boat tours on Hardangerfjord. You can choose between various marked hiking trails and paths, either along the fjord and higher up inland.

How about adding cider tasting to your adventure? Hardanger grows some of the best apples in the world and the trademarked cider from the area is light, acidic, aromatic and absolutely delicious.  

Norheimsund Kino

Klar for å lene deg tilbake med popkorn, snop og en blockbuster? Etter en lang dag med opplevelser og inntrykk, kan det være befriende å tilbringe kvelden med en god film i kinomørket. Kinoen i Norheimsund, Kvam Kino, finner du et par hundre meter vest for gjestehavna.

Restaurants in Norheimsund

I Norheimsund og nærområdet rundt er det en rekke muligheter for å dykke ned i kulinariske gleder etter en dag på farten – enten du søker vestlandsk tradisjonsmat eller internasjonale smaksopplevelser. 

Kafeen i Kunsthuset Kabuso serverer blant annet enkle lunsjretter, hjemmebakte kaker og lokalprodusert sider, som kan nytes mens du kikker på fjorden like utenfor. Andre kafeer som tryller frem deilig hjemmelagd mat basert på lokale råvarer, er Kafé Hjørnet, Kafé Krus og Kaffimat – sistnevnte disker opp med vestlandsspesialiteten komle (raspeballer) hver torsdag. 

For å komme enda nærmere kjernen av regionens overlegne råvarer, lønner det seg å ta en utflukt til en av områdets mange gårder – for eksempel Bjørketeigen gard, Sjuragarden eller Spildegarden.     

For en smak av den store verden byr Norheimsund på flere gode alternativer. Midt i sentrum ligger den kinesiske restauranten Feng Yuan, som serverer dumplings, chopsuey, vårruller og andre klassikere fra det kinesiske kjøkkenet. Et steinkast unna ligger thairestauranten Sånn Mat, som startet som matvogn i 2017 og baserer seg på deilige ferske råvarer og har mange gode veganske og vegetariske varianter på menyen. 

I Norheimsund finner du også flere pizzarestauranter: La Fiesta i Norheimsund og Milano Pizzeria og Øvreviken Pizzeria i Øystese.


Thon Hotel Sandven

Thon Hotel Sandven is a distinguished and eloquent hotel. The hotel was originally built in 1857, making it one of the historic hotels of Hardanger. It has been awarded the Olavsrosa seal of quality by the Norwegian Heritage Association.

The hotel has a total of 102 rooms: 31 in the historic section, as well as 18 apartments, 7 superior rooms and 46 rooms in the new section. Thon Hotel Sandven is located on the banks of the fjord in the Norheimsund city centre, with a bus stop right outside the door with buses to and from Bergen several times a day.

During the summer, you can rent a canoe, rowboat and bicycles at the hotel, and there are lots of other activities to enjoy nearby – such as a fjord cruise, RIB boat tour and cider tour.   

Visste du dette om Norheimsund?

  • Navnet Norheimsund kommer av ordene nor, som betyr «trangt sund», hjem og sund. Det har sannsynligvis bodd folk her siden istiden, og de eldste helleristningene i området strekker seg 4000 år tilbake i tid. 
  • Kvam herad fikk Tettstedprisen 2000 for arbeidet sitt med sjøsiden i Norheimsund. I 2013 mottok Norheimsund Statens pris for mest attraktive tettsted, som går til levende og attraktive steder å bo, arbeide, drive næring i og besøke.
  • I 2013 ble nabostedet Øystese innlemmet i Norheimsund, og innbyggertallet steg dermed fra 2187 til 4291 over natten. I dag bor det rundt 4600 mennesker i Norheimsund. 
  • Tre festivaler går av stabelen hver sommer i Norheimsund. Fans av tradisjonsmusikk bør merke seg Hardingtonar, mens moderne stilarter som rock og pop utgjør tyngdepunktet på Bygdalarm-programmet. Hardanger Trebåt- og handverksfestival har funnet sted i Norheimsund hver sommer siden 1999.   

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