Nå kan du sjekke ut i Thon Hotels-appen

Som THON+ medlem kan du betale og sjekke ut av hotellrommet med mobilen – helt kontaktløst!

En kvinne holder mobiltelefon med Thon Hotels-appen som tilbyr selvbetjent utsjekk

As a member of Thon DISCOVERY you will receive a push notification on the day of departure, and be able to settle the bill and check out of your room - from the Thon Hotels app! You will also be able to add whatever you consumed from the minibar.

At a time when many want to limit physical contact with others we hope and believe that digital check-out will support the fact that staying at Thon Hotels is safe. The new feature will, among other things, ensure that there is less queue at check-out, and that you will find your receipts digitally in the app. At this time, the feature is currently available for guests who have booked one room. If you have booked multiple rooms, we kindly ask you to check-out at the front desk.

Frequently asked questions

Where do I leave my keycard after I have settled my bill and left my room?

You leave the keycard at the front desk on your way out.  

Can I still check-out at the front desk?

As a guest you decide whether you like to check-out physically at the front desk, or through your mobile or tablet device.

Where do I find my receipt/invoice for my stay if I check-out from Thon Hotels app?

Select "My stays", then "Past stays". Previous receipts/invoices for stays will be automatically assigned to each booking. Click on "Download receipt" or choose to send your entire booking, receipt/invoice included, by selecting "Send reservation to my e-mail".

Download our app

The app is available on both iOS and Android:

Apple logo with link to the App StoreLogo to Google Play with link to Play Store

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