Vi har gleden av å tilby overnatting på Thon Hotel Bristol Bergen.


  • 2695 kr - Standardrom for en person, per natt
  • 2895 kr - Superiorrom for en person per natt
  • 200 kr - For ekstra person på rommet, per natt

Terms and conditions

  • Breakfast is included in the rate
  • No cancellation is possible
  • Thon Hotels have an age limit of 18 years for overnight stays without a guardian
  • If your stay has not already been paid for, we will either charge or authorise your card for the accommodation cost at check-in
  • Your and/or the guest’s contact details will automatically be stored in our systems when we register your reservation
  • The total amount of the stay must be paid in advance


Offer valid until Wed. 16 Apr.

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