The perfect omelette

We have all tasted both dry and burnt omelettes. Here, Filip Bendi shows you the tricks how to make his perfect omelette, so you can impress on the breakfast front.


  • Crack 3 eggs into a bowl where you whisk them.
  • Use 5 grams of butter with the eggs and milk.
  • Using the fork, prick the egg yolks and whisk in a circular motion to get air into the batter. Do not stir with the fork. The colour distribution should be even.
  • Melt 10 g of butter in a frying pan. It should be warm but not piping hot. Do not brown the butter.
  • Beat the eggs with a fork as you pour them into the pan. Use a spatula to stir the omelette and regulate the heat while you work.
  • When the mix starts to set, spread the omelette evenly in the pan. Leave on low heat so that it settles at the bottom but is still slightly soft on top. Push down the edges with the spatula.
  • Now is the time to season the omelette. Eggs absorb salt very quickly, so we do not recommend adding salt before this point. You can also add cheese or other desired garnishes to your omelette now.
  • Carefully try to tilt/move the omelette around. If it holds together, fold it as shown in the video and flip it onto a serving plate. 

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