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In the Pantelotteriet, you can benefit from taking the time to recycle your used cans and bottles at designated bottle collection points by using it as an opportunity to play the lottery. Every time you use these collection points, you can win as much as NOK 1 million – and the proceeds go to the Norwegian Red Cross.

The president of the Norwegian Red Cross, Sven Molleklein, together with Olav Thon

It was Olav Thon himself who started the Pantelotteriet in aid of both the environment and charitable works. The aim of the Pantelotteriet is to inspire more people to recycle their used bottles and cans, while also creating a sustainable source of income for charitable organisations.

The proceeds from the Pantelotteriet go directly to the Norwegian Red Cross. As of the start of 2020, the lottery had raised NOK 300 million for the organisation! The lottery has become one of their most important sources of revenue.

The money helps to fund local outreach work by the Norwegian Red Cross throughout Norway. This includes programmes such as tutoring, refugee assistance, home visits to those in need, and the Flyktningeguide for asylum seekers.

The Norwegian Red Cross is a modern humanitarian aid organisation run by volunteers from throughout the country. The organisation has no political or religious affiliations. In war zones, the Norwegian Red Cross contributes by offering protection and aid to the victims of armed conflicts. In peacetime, the organisation operates outreach programs aimed to assist the most vulnerable groups in the community.

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