Sustainability at Thon Hotels Brussels

Thon Hotels puts a lot of focus on sustainability and a social responsibility. In order to contribute to a more sustainable society for future generations, Thon Hotels has chosen to implement an environmental policy for its hotels in Brussels. The goal is to make the hotels as eco-friendly and sustainable as possible.

Awareness and social engagement

Together with the Red Cross, Thon Hotel EU and Thon Hotel Bristol Stephanie organize 4 blood donation days per year. In 2020 and 2021, 874 donations were made during these events.​ Please follow the Facebook page of Thon Hotels Brussels to see future dates.

As a guest at one of our Green Key certified hotels (Thon Hotel EU, Stanhope Hotel Brussels and Thon Hotel Bristol Stephanie), you can pay your stay with a 100% digital EcoCheques.

Three of the Thon Hotels in Brussels are rewarded by Green Key & Ecodynamic Enterprise labels for limiting its ecological footprint: it means Thon Hotels Brussels is a reference in terms of sustainable accommodation with high environmental standards such as the drastic reduction of energy consumption. ​

Thon Hotels Brussels donates clothes, bed linen, bathroom amenities and second hand furniture to a varity of social institutions such as Les Petits Riens, Samu Social and Red Cross.

Sustainable food

In three words, the food you will eat at Thon Hotels Brussels is local, sustainable and fairtrade:​

  • Thon Hotels Brussels is working with Belgian producers​. For example, our Thonner'ke Triple Blond beer is brewed only a few miles outside of Brussels with 100% Belgian hops. 
  • Thon Hotels Brussels pays attention to the products​ that are served. At the buffet breakfast, you will only find eggs from free-range chicken, milk from Fairebel and fair-trade coffee. Thanks to the cooperation with Puro Fairtrade Coffee, Thon Hotels Brussels has helped to protect 1 815 512 m² of rainforest. ​Additionally, the menus at the Thon Hotels restaurants are based on seasonal ingredients, including a weekly changing lunch menu and the participation to the Organic Week.


Rethinking the way you move is at the heart of our sustainable approach: ​

  • 40 parking places for electrical cars in Brussels.​
  • 4 bike parkings with charging stations. ​
  • Located nearby metro, bus & train stations.​
  • Villo! cards for city bikes are at the disposal of guests at the reception.​

​For all those reasons, 3 hotels have the label Bike-Friendly hotel by Visit Brussels. ​


Thon Hotels Brussels genuinely cares about biodiversity: ​

  • 4 of our hotels have herb boxes with spices and mint used in kitchen and bars.​
  • 3 of our hotels have insect hotels.​
  • 2 have rooftop garden to cultivate vegetable and fruits.​

Thon Hotel EU is among the most sustainable hotels in Brussels: ​

  • Urban Cultivator that promotes vertical farming.​
  • 3 beehives that have been given 352 kg of honey during 7 years.​
  • Rooftop garden with greenhouses for vegetables such as pumpkins, zucchinis and rhubarb. 

Waste reduction and reuse

Besides, Thon Hotels chain in Brussels offers Too Good To Go breakfasts. 13,18 tons of CO2 have been saved at Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre.​

Our hotels decided to take things in hand by employing hygienic refillable dispensers & eco-friendly cleaning products and by stopping the use of plastic glasses in guest's bathrooms. ​

In addition, the staff works in a paperless way and encourages guests to refuse room cleaning thanks to a green reward policy. ​

Water and energy management

Thon Hotels Brussels relies on 421 solar panels whose 232 at Thon Hotel Bristol Stephanie since 2021. Thus, its solar panels' provider planted one tree per solar panels.  ​

Regarding Stanhope Hotel Brussels, we expect to save 169 t of CO2 in 25 years using 54 solar panels, not forgetting that electricity at Thon Hotels Brussels comes from 100% renewable sources according to our contract with Uniper.​

Moreover, many of our hotels have bring down water consumption by installing water reduction filters on all faucets. For example, Thon Hotel Bristol Stephanie reduced water flow from 13 litres/minute to 9 litres/minute. ​

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